Universities: Only for the rich?

Universities are viewed as pillars of social mobility, but is locking out the poor a good thing?

Universites are often viewed as the only way for individuals to get a job. We are always told to pursure degrees to secure a stable job in an economy where costs of living increases rapidly.

With this in mind, universities are only acessible to those with the grades and funds to pay student debt,tuiton,textbooks etc which you can read down below.

College Is for the Rich, Now More Than Ever
Higher education is increasingly out of reach for many low-income, working-class and middle-class Americans.
America’s top colleges are not the engines of social mobility they say they are
Paul Tough’s new book about the “admissions-industrial complex” shows how top colleges are failing poor students.

Clearly, there exists a need to give poorer individuals greater accessibility to higher learning institutions. However, that comes with its own drawbacks as seen in the articles below:

‘Isolated’ poorer students more likely to drop out, study shows
Survey finds that students from poorer backgrounds feel less well integrated
If universities shift online, we risk more poorer students dropping out | Chris Skidmore
Universities must introduce extra financial and pastoral support to look after their remote students
Poorer students now even more likely to drop out of university than their richer peers
Institutions need to prioritise all-round support for students rather than ‘bums on seats’, experts say