The Pay Gap

An exploration of the gender pay gap, why it exists and what goes into it?

The Pay Gap
Photo by Red Dot / Unsplash

You'll often hear that for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes anywhere from 60-87 cents, depending on who did the study and what factors are in consideration.

To put that into context, if you take the median salary of an average Singaporean, $4,680, and used that as a man's income, women would make anywhere from $2808 to $4701.

What causes this difference between men and women, and what factors do we take into account?

Truthfully, the statistic often used is misleading. It simply averages the income of all women of a certain age, against men of a similar age. It fails to accommodate for homelessness, differences in education and most importantly, the fact that even in the most progressive of countries, a large portion of women are housewives.

The following articles and videos aim to cover the issues surrounding this unpaid labor.

The United Nation's take.

Statistical Analysis on differences.

An invention being used to help decrease women's time spent on labor.